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Series Five: Spy Squad

The end of an era, the last line of Mighty Ducks action figures, were all essentially repaints of the series 1 figures released with new and very innovative weaponry. This is the only series which does not include a villain figure.

Battle Shield Wildwing
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A darker repaint of his series 1 figure, this Wildwing features a dark copper Mask and metallic armor. His accessories are a bola puck that can be launched from the right arm, and a neon green ice shield that snaps onto the left wrist. To be more accurate, these two weaponry functions should be switched around.

Power Walker Nosedive
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With the best accessories in this series, Nosedive's figure features a color scheme very similar to Wildwing's. His accessories are a pair of giant spring-loaded stilts with webbed duck feet. By far the largest accessory of any of the Ducks action figures, this one literally makes Nosedive stand above all of the rest.

Speed Climber Duke L'Orange
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Although he looks a little crowded with his full assortment of accessories on, Duke's got some seriously cool weapons this time around. First off is a large puck cannon that shoots out a neon blue puck, with spring force. Attached to  his back is a pack with a retractable grappling hook within. You can, essentially, have Duke climb up things. Last but not least is an improved version of the series 1 sabre. Although this one doesn't retract, its blade glows blue, closer to the animated version of the sword.

Combat Grin
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The last in a line of bad Grin figures, this one is no exception. In additon to metallic-colored body armor, Grin's arms are silvery as well, which makes little sense, seeing as how his head is the normal color. His accessories include a bill-shaped visor, a twin-headed missle that fires from a spring launcher in his shoulder, and a silvery extendable club weapon. Unfortunately, nothing too special.

Notes: Like the fourth series before it, series 5 received little shelf time before it was put on clearance, beacause its release coincided with the show being taken off of most major networks that were running it in syndication. However, since it is the last and latest release of figures, there is still a good chance of finding them mint on card from online auctions.

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