Life-sized weapons are
another way to extend the show's experience to a more personal level. These weapons listed
below are perfect for a little sharpshooting, or fencing!
Duck Dazer
A modified version of the pucklauncher, the
dazer is an air-powered weapon that launches one of two fan-like projectiles. Shooters
power up the weapon by 'revving' a pull tab that starts a fan spinning inside of the
barrel. Pulling the trigger causes the wind power to transfer to the projectile, and it
goes shooting off. This weapon gives the user the feel of a pucklauncher, without the
inherent safety risk. The dazer is also part of the Gift Pack, which can be seen on the
Miscellaneous page.
Electronic Sound Saber
Supposedly a version of Duke's sabre, this
weapon is an extendable sword that actually features Wildwing on its hilt. When activated,
this sword lights up and will make clanging and combat noises when swung. Sold only in
Disney stores, the Saber is a rare find.
Notes: Both of these weapons are quite rare to find nowadays, and will
only appear in online auctions. Neither of the toys were widely marketed, most likely due
to limited demand.